Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Skills And Problem Solving Skills - 910 Words
Occupations After taking the O*NET Interest Profiler test on the My Next Move website, I was fitted for several jobs based on my personality and interests. After looking through the suggested jobs, I found two that would fit me best. The first job I was interested in is a buying and purchasing agent for farm products. Out of all the suggestions O*NET gave, this was one I felt not only fit my skills the most, but also my personality. The knowledge required for this position is mostly math and customer serviced based. Every job I have had has been customer service based and I am not only good at math, but I actually enjoy it. This position seems like it would be a great fit for me. The education required is a bachelor’s degree, which I don’t currently have, but I am working towards it. The skills required were social skills and problem-solving skills. Since I have been in so many customer service positions, I am great at communication. Although I am not the best problem solver, I am a quick learner and feel I would be able to pick up that skill with practice. When looking at the job outlook for the buying and purchasing agent position, the future looked grim. The national outlook was below average in most states. When looking at the map, however, there were a few states that had a bright outlook with above average opportunities. Although my state, California, had average opportunity, just above me in Oregon there was above average job opportunities. Two other states thatShow MoreRelatedCreative Problem Solving Skills1548 Words  | 7 PagesOBJECTIVE The objective of this section to discussed on the development of creative problem solving as a management competency toward achieving the organization goals. Problems are encounters by everybody, whether it is serious, urgent or growth is catalyst towards success. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Node and Place Balance and Spatial Performance Free Essays
The â€Å"node†and â€Å"place†balance and spacial public presentation. â€Å"Stations, as incorporate â€Å"nodes†of conveyance web and â€Å"places†in the metropolis can increase the possibilities for physical human interactions in and around them, which in bend feed societal and economic activities that still require them†( Bertolini,1999 ) Here can see the potency for livability of the infinites in station countries are high. For â€Å"place†have maps where it devoid with its original maps. We will write a custom essay sample on The Node and Place Balance and Spatial Performance or any similar topic only for you Order Now Their high handiness is a favourable status for the development of diversified activities, for the concentration and interaction of different people in them. On the other manus it is beef uping the activities and increases the demand for connexions. The balance between these two dimensions â€Å"node†and â€Å"place†can bring forth societal, economic and environmental benefits. In other words it can better the sustainability public presentations in station countries. â€Å"There is in these locations an tremendous potency ( albeit mostly undeveloped ) for physical, societal and economic interaction and this potency could be realized in a comparative sustainable manner, as it could let the bunch of trips and a more efficient usage of land†( Bertolini, L.2000 ) The dependance on the grade of balance between the two dimensions gives the realisation of the potency for livability or sustainability. Harmonizing to the thought of Bertolini ( 1999 ) , he explains handiness in a broader sense which can allow this possible balance between the two elements in the station countries. He highlights the human interaction, handiness of the conveyance node, how many finishs which can be easy reached with in a clip period in an country, and the handiness of the topographic point for activities, how many and how diverse are the activities that are performed in an country. Addition to that he mentions that the users who are accesses the country is besides of import. â€Å"The sweetening of handiness facilitates the existent realisation of human interaction and therefore the livability of station country. The possible dealingss between â€Å"node†and â€Å"place†contents’ strengths at station country, and their effects for likeability of these locations are depend on the node- topographic point model†( Martines, 2012, p.38 ) This theoretical account allows for the appraisal on the grade of livability of a station country, and besides the grade of sustainability. This mainly analysis and associate the conveyance and non-transport related activities at station countries, with the potency for sustainable development. â€Å"Balancing â€Å"node†and â€Å"place†dimensions of a station country is, in fact basically a spacial problem†( Pakusukcharern, 2003 in Martines, 2012, p.39 ) In add-on to that it is necessary to research the spacial dimensions in order to follow sustainable solutions for bing jobs of railroad Stationss and its’ urban surrounding. Harmonizing to Martins, ( 2012 ) the node- topographic point theoretical account does non give indicants on how to make the balance which is explained by spatially. It relates conveyance and non-transport related activities present at the station countries, but non their physical support. It is necessary to turn to node and topographic point balance in spacial footings. Node and topographic point balance does non merely depend on the entree to transport and non-transport related activities in the given specific location or the diverseness of their different users. The infinites that support these activities and let the user is besides contribute diverseness of the balance. The infinite must supply the best conditions for the development of the node and topographic point activities, through the physical human interaction, finally to better societal, economic and environmental public presentations and livability physical environment in one of the chief factor that influence the activities in and around of a topographic point. As St. martins, ( 2012 ) discussed the quality of a topographic point relates with the type of activities, which the users are willing to execute. For illustration a hapless or low quality infinite people tend to make merely the particular and necessary activities and besides a topographic point which has high quality a broad scope of optional and societal activities occurs within and around them. When there are jobs in station countries, the scope of activities facilitated by them is reasonably narrowed down to necessary activities particularly to transport related 1s. Consequently the topographic point dimension of the station country has fewer conditions than the node dimension, which affects to better development in quality infinite. So the happening of balance has a less opportunity. For quality infinites, the infinites that should hold to execute good, leting for human physical interaction. Within this model, which spaces of station countries facilitate node and topographic point balance is referred in this research as spacial public presentation. Here infinite quality can be seen as an index of good spacial public presentation. For the balance the layout and the relationships of station infinites activities ( conveyance related or non ) should reciprocally profit from each other. â€Å"The spacial discontinuities of station countries should be mitigated, as the physical integrating of the station in the metropolis is desirable, in order to make a good spatial performance†( Paksukcharern, 2003 N Martins, 2012 ) Factors influence the infinites of station countries The conceptualisation or reconceptualization of station countries is a argument that is traveling on for recent old ages. Station operators, riders, states users, communities of occupants and politicians have put forward their position on how station countries should develop. But no 1 has presented a specific model particularly associating the local context. The function of renovation of infinites in station country is less discussed even though recognized its importance. Several spacial issues were forced in the renovation undertakings in station countries. The barrier consequence of the paths, and particularly considers the environing country the station has been in the centre. This shows the reconnecting or linking the station with its environing in order to extenuate their spacial jobs. The articulation of different conveyance manners and besides the other maps, within and around the edifice was besides approached solutions in different degrees. For the successful development and the betterment of spacial public presentation of station countries the planning procedure and spacial design, both are of import. Here should hold to see chief two sides, station country renovation or development and their influence on their spacial results. This research does non forces on the factors which are bounded with the planning procedure and their influences on the design of spacial ballad out of station milieus. The research chiefly approach the internal factors of public infinites of station countries witch influence its spacial public presentations. Those are bounded with spacial design the specific sphere of architecture in station country development undertakings. In those factors architecture can influence/ control, and relevant for the part can give towards the betterment of spacial public presentation of station countries. As mentioned before, to accomplish livability it is required a good degree of spacial quality to the designed infinites. To accomplish the needed quality must understand the city’s context where it operates. The context is subjected to alter in clip and the cognition on that is indispensable in development. How to cite The Node and Place Balance and Spatial Performance, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Black Leaders Of 20th Century Essay Example For Students
Black Leaders Of 20th Century Essay In the time after the fall of radical black reconstruction of the nineteenth century, African Americans were being oppressed by rural farming, civil rights, economical advancement and sharecropping. Booker T. Washington charged the fight for economical and political accommodation with his dream of equal civil rights. Timothy Thomas Fortune was an influential black journalist that fought for the rights of African Americans through literal resistance. The Lonely Warrior, Ida B. Wells was an outspoken voice against lynching throughout America and fought against the oppression of men and woman everywhere. Booker T. Washington was one of the last great African American leaders born into slavery. Washington emphasized political means and civil rights along with economic means and self-determination. Washington was the founder of the Tuskegee Normal and the Industrial Institute in 1881, for the development of skilled trade. The Instituted was the largest self-black supported Institution in America at the time. The school taught the arts of trade, self-determination and economical independence of sharecropping. We will write a custom essay on Black Leaders Of 20th Century specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Washington gave the Atlanta Compromise Address in 1895, to disclaim the notion of white supremacy and social equality to the south. Booker T. Washington sought to influence whites, but sought out the solid programs of economical and educational progress for blacks. Washington was one that thought that speaking out against injustice was self-defeating and should be suppressed. Washington founded the National Negro Business League in 1900, helped put a stronghold on substantial black population and did little for black business. As the chief black advisor to President Roosevelt and Taft, Washington devoted much of his time to securing federal jobs and used political power to win over key political figures in the North. He aided many blacks businesses but also hindered the activities of those who spoke against him. He also helped appoint the first black assistant US Attorney General. Many of Washingtons ideas and concepts are still being used today in black communities. Booker T. Washington was in control of many black newspapers that agreed with his views and opinions. Many black leaders such as W. E. B Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter did not see eye to eye with Washington and he was believed to be getting in the way of other black group movements. At this time Washington felt that his leadership in the black community depended on the help of white leaders and his wittiness to use them for what he needed. He secretly tried to overturn the grandfather clause, and (the fact that he could), kept his popularity with the whites. To the end of his life, many blacks started to question his loyalty to the black communities and whites really did not remember him, and only thought of him as a black educator. Thought of as the great successor to Frederick Douglass, Timothy Thomas Fortune was an influential black journalist. Fortune was born in Marianna, Florida, in 1856 into slavery, the same year as Booker T. Washington. Timothy was exposed to the harsh realities of white racism and white supremacy. As the South grew to be more than Fortune could take due to racism, he decided to leave and move to New York. He was a self-taught man and attended school for only three months. Fortune spent most of his free time studying and reading books literature, history, law and government. This helped him design his own literary and oratory style of writing. As a journalist and the editor of the New York Age, Globe, the New York Freemen, and the founder of the African American Council, Fortune was known as the spokesman and the defender of civil rights of African Americans in the South as well as the North. Fortune was a militant writer and editor, who was named the Agitator. He was known for his strong personality, his straight forwardness and harsh opinions. Fortune was one who believed in the fight for black rights and he fought to gain equality for blacks. .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .postImageUrl , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:hover , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:visited , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:active { border:0!important; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:active , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Transcontinental Railroad and Westward Expansi EssayIn the fight against injustice, Fortune urged women to support of the National African American League to help gain political power and equality. Fortune even hired Ida B. Wells Barnett as an anti-lynching writer for the Globe. At this time, fortune was considered a radicalist and Washington was considered as being safe and reasonable. In 1907, Fortune sold his newspaper The Age and then his years of being a great leader came to an end. On June 2, 1928 in Philadelphia at his home he passed away. Ida B. WellsBarnett was said to be the Joan of Arc of the 1920s. As the anti-lynching spokeswomen for African American, Wells showed courage and independence in her attack on lynching {upon what ever she seemed fit to attack. } She was born into slavery during the Civil War in 1862. She witnessed the loss of both parents to yellow fever and also saw the brutal lynching of three of her close friends in Memphis. These tragic events inspired Wells to launch a crusade against lynching at the age of thirty years old. Wells spoke out against lynching, Jim Crow Laws and segregation. She published two pieces, Free Speech and statistics on lynching and its myths, while were a big hit. Wells also started anti-lynching groups outside of the US, such as Great Britain. Wells was known as a woman that fought against Jim Crow laws and segregation. In May 1892, Wells newspaper the Free Speech was destroyed and she was told if she returned that there would be bloodshed. Wells went to New York where Timothy Thomas Fortune offered her a job at the New York Age, to be the journalist against anti-lynching. Fortune and Wells began lecture tours of Northeast America in 1892. In 1895, Wells went on another tour through the northern and western states. With lynching on the rise blacks in the South grew quite weary of lynching. A person could be lynched for violating a labor contract, shooting rabbits or would be falsely accused of a crime that he or she did not commit. Based on the Chicago Tribute Annual Summary, one out of every five lynchings was based on black accused of raping a white women. The moral monster, was an excuse to oppress African Americans by racist whites. They wanted them to fit into society as an outcast race, beyond pale human sympathy. Wells role in the NAACP was that of an activist fighting for all possible rights. Ida B. Wells kept up her fight for black equality for all African-Americans. Her fight stayed alive for some time until mutual friends such as Washington and Fortune decided to push her out of newspaper journalism for black rights and eventually out of the NAACP. All three figures that are talked about above are some of the greatest leaders in the fight for African-American rights. Booker T. Washington was a fine leader in (towards starting) the movement to push black equality, however he lacked the courage to be a true leader because he only wanted to keep whites pleased. The Agitator as Thomas T. Fortune was a great editor of black newspaper, next to Du Bois. Fortune is not all that and a bag of chips. He is a man that lived on hiding behind Washington and his ideas, was just a toy of Washington. Joan of Arc, Ida B. Wells was the anti-lynching spokeswomen and the true heart and soul behind the fight for black equality in America. She is the only true independent leader out of the above. Wells spoke her mind, which was the truth, and she never looked back even when it was her life that mattered.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Wuthering Heights And Power Of Love Essays - British Films
Wuthering Heights And Power Of Love Many readers argue that Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is anything but a romance. Although it does not follow the conventional form of the Victorian Romance novels, it can be argued that it is one of the greatest love stories of all time. The traditional forms of love may not be represented in this story, but one can not argue that love is the predominant theme throughout the book. What else but love could possibly drive the characters to the ends which they accomplish. The most controversial and the predominant love represented in this novel is that of ?spiritual love.? This form of love is the one shared between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw Linton. This bond is expressed by Catherine when she tells Nelly, ?I can not express it; but surely you and every body have a notion that there is, or should be, an existence of yours beyond you. What were the use of my creation if I were entirely contained here? My great miseries in this world have been Heathcliff's miseries, and I watched and felt each from the beginning; my great thought in living is himself. If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and, if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the Universe would turn to a mighty stranger....Nelly, I am Heathcliff .? (page 81) It may be hard for most people to understand their bond, as very few people ever experience a love of this type during their lifetime. The only comparisons that may be offered for an attempt at understanding may perhaps be the bond felt by someone regarding their first love. Although this relationship may end, a special connection will always be felt for this person, and the love that was felt will never be forgotten. As many state, there will always be a special place in their heart for this person. Another example may be the love a parent feels for a child. Although this is not a romantic love, it is a love that is unconditional and timeless. Catherine and Heathcliff, through their own actions, are never able to truly act on their love for one another, and this tragedy is what allows us to experience the timeless classic of Wuthering Heights. With her marriage to Edgar Linton, Catherine makes it impossible for her and Heathcliff to ever be joined together. Although her actions seem selfish, she sees this as the only way that she can help raise Heathcliff from the clutches of her brother Hindley. Heathcliff, unfortunately, never understands her actions for what they truly are, and chaos results. This impeded love serves as the catalyst throughout the novel, bringing with it tragedy and revenge. Heathcliff is driven to reek havoc on all of those who he views as wronging him in some form - except of course for Catherine. Everything in the story happens through Heathcliff, and results from the distortion of his personality because of this thwarted love. As long as he has Catherine, he can stand anything, but without her all of his emotions turn to hate. Some may questions whether or not Catherine loves Edgar Linton before she marries him. The only explanation that may be offered is that if she does love him, this love can only be defined as superficial. Catherine is unable to ever feel anything more spiritual for Edgar, as this part of herself is reserved for Heathcliff alone. Catherine expresses this emotion when she tells Nelly, ?My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees - my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath - a source of little visible delight but necessary.? (page 82) She realizes that her love for Heathcliff is far more important than what she feels for Edgar, but Edgar offers her a civilized, socially acceptable, and materialistic advantage. She knows that marrying Heathcliff would cause them both a lifetime of misery, as they would live as beggars. What Catherine does not realize is that by denying herself a union with Heathcliff results in a tragedy deeper than she can comprehend. After her marriage to Edgar, and the return of Heathcliff; Catherine is torn apart spiritually , mentally and emotionally when she realizes what she has done. She realizes that it is impossible for her to love Heathcliff and remain with Edgar and seeks release through death. At this point Catherine acknowledges that the only way her
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
prokaryotes essays
prokaryotes essays The prokaryotes are the oldest and most abundant group of organisms on earth, and are the smallest unicellular organisms. There are certain factors that account for the success of prokaryotes such that they are able to withstand harsh environments and they are able to adapt to face the conditions that they are in. One factor that accounts for the success of the prokaryotes is their way to survive. When environmental conditions are unfavorable, the bacterium becomes inactive. Some species of bacteria form endospores. An endospore is a thick wall that surrounds the genetic material while the rest of the cell disintegrates. The endospore does not reproduce or show any signs of life. It is similar to a seed. What is important about these endospores is that they can withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as boiling, freezing, and drying out. When the existing conditions then become favorable, the endospore germinates and in turn forms an active cell. This method of survival allows prokaryotes to last longer and allow them to germinate. Another factor that accounts for the success of prokaryotes is their ability to metabolize most nitrogenous compounds. Nitrogen is essential in the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids. Prokaryotes are successful because they can convert ammonia to nitrates. Others can convert atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia. This is known as nitrogen fixation. Some bacteria can even survive on light, carbon dioxide, atmospheric nitrogen, water, and minerals to survive. This means they are self-sufficient, and that is why prokaryotes are successful. Three hostile environments in which prokaryotes survive are swamps, salt ponds, and hot springs. The classifications of the prokaryotes that live in these environments are archaebacteria. Methanogens are able to survive in swamps, extreme halophiles are able to survive in salt ponds, and thermoacidophiles are able to live in Hot Spr ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress Essay Example for Free
Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress Essay ? In his message, Franklin advises his friend that marriage is the best solution not for only sexual desires but also the undisputable source of solid happiness. Having suspicions that his friend would not follow his guidance, Franklin recommends him to choose older mistresses instead of younger ones and lists eight valuables reasons to better support his argument. Franklin commences his essay by presenting advantages of the marriage. He says I know of no medicine fit to diminish the violent inclinations you mention†¦ Marriage is the proper remedy. It is most natural state of man and therefore the state in which you can are most likely to find solid happiness†. Through those sentences, Franklin seems to estimate that from a masculine’ view, one of the main advantages of the marriage is to bring pacification toward requirements of the flesh. The recipient of the letter who was the friend of the author seemed to be looking for a situation in which he could find sexual partner and happiness without commitment. Based on the previous quotes, the author claims that the best situation in which he could find hat he was looking for was a marriage. In his letter, Franklin advices his friend to settle because ‘ It is the man and woman together that make the complete human being†. If Franklin thinks that the marriage is so positive, this is relied to both psychological and socio-economical reasons. First all he is convinced that the married life is more balancing that the single lifetime. Franklin believes that a man who did not find the soul mate is in other words incomplete, unaccomplished by saying that A single man has not nearly the value he would have in that sate of union, He is an ncomplete animal. He resembles the odd half of a pair of scissors†. Based on this judgement, Franklin means that family life calms people; it is the natural arrangement in which they can organize their production’ strength with the most possible benefit. While Franklin affirms that together there are more likely to succeed in the world†there is no doubt that he is referring to the material success. Concerning the woman, it is only in a marriage that she can show up her real values. Through the letter, Franklin continues to give worthy reasons in order to convince the ecipient about getting married. Franklin having doubts that his friend would not consider his advice followed his representation of the marriage by an alternative solution to satisfy his needs. If his friend his not ready to commit and wants to continue a commerce with Sex inevitable†, he suggested that ‘ you should prefer old woman to young ones†. The first raison that Franklin used to support his case is that they nave more knowledge ot the world, and their minds are better stored witn observations, their conversation is more improving and more lastingly agreeable†. By affirming this, Franklin makes an allusion to the intelligence of older woman. He illustrates that people gain knowledge as they get older. They have, in principle knew more love stories or adventures than youngest ones, thus they better know men, know how to take care of them and also how to satisfy them. Franklin defends the idea that a debate with an old woman is rich and interesting, because they had been through many involvements from witch they had retains acquaintance. They have lived longer and have things to communicate to you. Franklin also supports his reference for older woman by saying that To maintain their influence over men, they supply the diminution of beauty by an augmentation of utility’. This is to illustrate that older woman, with the time spend less time worrying about their appearance, which they use to do more important stuff. To him, when beauty disappears, women improve their service. At their age, they assume their femininity and do so without any complex. Franklin, who was a man of science and also know as Lady Man’ also gave bodily motivation for choosing an older woman. He implies that ? because in every animal that walks upright the deficiency of the fluids that fill the muscles appears first in the highest part. The face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the neck; then the breast and arms; the lower parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: so that covering all above with a basket, and regarding only what is below the girdle, it is impossible of two women to tell an old one from a young one†. His purpose here is to assure his friend that there are no doubts or fear to have on the corporal pleasure of an old woman. According to him as in the dark all cats are rey, the pleasure of corporal enjoyment with an old woman is at least equal, and frequently superior†. This is to support that woman are woman regardless of age, an old woman can perform the same way as a young one concerning sexual experience. Sometimes, they are even considered superior. Through the note, Franklin by saying because there is no hazard of children, which irregularly produced may be attended with much inconvenience†refers to the fact that woman at a certain age can’t get pregnant. Thus while dating them the chance of being relied to them by omeone or something is null. This also makes the separation easier and leaves out others inconvenient that children can bring in a relationship. Across the letter, Franklin continues to encourage his friend to choose an old female if this last one persist in thinking a Commerce with the ser. He establishes a formal and highly analytical tone with his receiver about the discretion an old mistress can have in their relationship. He supports his suggestion by affirming that because through more experience they are more prudent and discreet in conducting an intrigue to revent suspicion. The commerce with them is therefore safer with regard to your reputation. From the following sentence, the author suggests that with an old woman, it is less probable that the relationship get revealed consequently with her you reputation will be at the shelter because they are more responsible in managing a relationship and they now what they want. Finally, Franklin ends up with his letter by saying †they are so grateful†™. Even though Franklin, in his letter gave an approved receipt to find the best mistress, it is obvious that considering as the ounding father his interest for marriage respond to others concern more important than the promotion ot the psych-to-emotional blooming. Advice to a Friend on Choosing a Mistress. (2018, Nov 09).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How Convincing Is Porters Model of National Competitive Advantage in Essay - 6
How Convincing Is Porters Model of National Competitive Advantage in Explaining the Characteristics and Performance of the Business Systems of Major Economies - Essay Example This essay uses examples from Apple, CyberPower UK, Sennheiser, Sony and Lenovo to reach the conclusion that the framework is not a good assessor of business characteristics or performance in major economies, in an era of rapid globalization. Porter’s work focuses on home economies, leveraging home diamonds to create competitive advantages; he advocates entrepreneurship and innovation as drivers of advantage, rather than inherited endowments such as land, raw materials, and size of the labour pool, the lack of which he believes can be overcome. He further argues that factor creation is supported by the quality of consumer demand, rather than its size; the extent of relevant clustering and knowledge-sharing; and competition in the economy. Researchers have found cross-country evidence for all of these concepts. However, Porter’s concept of national competitiveness has also been criticized. Krugman argues that nations do not compete, like companies; and the idea of nation al competitiveness can be used to drive inefficient policies into play. Other researchers have criticized Porter’s methodology, arguing that global export shares are not a well-rounded measure of international competitiveness. Gray and Oz critique Porter’s narrow focus, which ignores macroeconomic environments and government policies, while Lazonic advocates that rivalry can lead to price-wars, decreasing the drive to innovate. In addition to this, Rugman & D’Cruz have created a Double Diamond Model, designed to fill in the gaps present in Porter’s model, which does not factor in the role of the multi-national enterprise. Perhaps the most case-based evidence in support of Porter’s Diamond framework emerges from his proposition on factor creation.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Cigarettes in Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Cigarettes in Fashion - Essay Example The essay "Cigarettes in Fashion" discovers the symbol of cigarettes in the fashion images. The Hazlitt observation’s of fashion as race of appearances, mode of symbolic expression which has been widely agreed by different sects of the society. Images of models smoking cigar featuring in fashion magazines, movies, posters, etc. have been the main cause for increased level of smoking among the youngsters as well as women which is well supported by Gilly Andrews (2005:47) as smoking is the UK’s largest cause for preventable death and disability, responsible for over 120,000 deaths a year which comprises of 30,000 women costing â‚ ¤1.7 billion each year. M.A.H. Russell et al (1974) mentioned Tomkins psychological theory, wherein smoking was classified into four groups viz; positive effect smoking that produces or increases pleasant feeling, negative effect smoking that reduces unpleasant feelings, anger or fear, shame, etc., habitual smokers who smoke without affect and addictive smokers who smoke continuously without which he gets restless. The present study makes an attempt to collect necessary and appropriate study and findings from the previous studies in order to analyze how images of smoking used by fashion magazines and other editorials impact the people and especially women and will try to answer whether the cigarettes in fashion images increase the women’s sexual appeal or is it just an fashion element to sell the products. Gilman and Zhou (2004) mention that smoking prevailed in the past.... The Mayans, Aztecs, Caribs and many others used to smoke one form or other tobacco. Smoke which was initially taken for curing later became a passion and a source of pleasure for most of the smokers. With tobacco having such a long history, from late 18th century, cigarette smoking was viewed as part of modernity according to Penny Tinkler (2006:5), but the process of modernity had already begun in 1880 in the western societies as it was believed as a quality of social experience and practical negotiation of one's life and identity within the complex and fast changing world. Fred C. Pampel (2001) states that there has been considerable increase in women smokers due to the fact they were having limited access or treated unequally in the past, and thereafter because of narrowing sex differences in times of gender equality and strengthening values of female independence has lead to newfound freedom and higher status of women creating a desire in the women to do things all good and bad, due to increased level of income, power and equal social status comparatively to men. Thus the fact that woman were denied certain luxuries and equalities in the past; has lead to increased level of smoking due to high income, equality and increased level of social status in the present which in turn provided stimulus to tobacco companies to market their product keeping specifically for women. Penny Tinkler (2001) further mentions that in 1996/97, 28% of British women were smokers of manufactured and hand rolled cigarettes as compared to 31% men and it is suggested that cigarettes was more used as fashion accessory for affluent, upwardly mobile city living women. There has been considerable increase in
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Financial Statements Paper Essay Example for Free
Financial Statements Paper Essay The statement usually includes beginning balance, net income for the current cycle, dividends disclosed in the current period and ending balance. Balance sheets detail assets and claims to assets at a distinct point in time. Claims of creditors and claims of owners are examples of claims to assets. This particular statement provides a clear outline of the financial standing of the company as a whole. The direct function of a statement of cash flow is to present financial information such as cash receipts and payments during a set point in time. This assists investors and creditors to analyze a company’s financial position.. These statements address a company’s financing, investment and operational activities. Financial statements are useful to managers as these statements are utilized to measure the performance of the organization. Sales and expenses are compared to the income statements from previous periods by management to pinpoint possible problematic areas. Major variations adjure management to thoroughly understand what the causes of those changes are. Variations in liabilities and assets are examined on the balance sheets from one cycle to the next. Any large variations need to be identified, explained and reasons established to whether the variations benefited the company, or caused a loss as consequences of problems. From this point management can make adjustments to correct any problems, or future planning, so these losses or problems do not repeat again. The benefits can be capitalized upon as well. Financial statements are useful to employees for the reason of collective bargaining, discussing compensation, and ranking. Employees also use this information as a means to determine the ability of the company to provide retirement benefits and opportunities for advancement. Financial Statements are useful to investors as they hold an interest in the profits of the company. The investors are looking for a return in the money they have invested, usually in the form of stocks, as they seek increases in stock value and profitability. Lending decisions to be made by creditors are based upon the financial statements. The creditors want to ensure that the companies they are lending the funds to have the ability to manage its finances so they are not at risk of not being able to pay back its debts. References: Kimmel, P. D. (2009). Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making (5th ed. ). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database..
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints :: Mormon Church
Many people have varying ideas about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It has been said that the Mormons are a cult out to destroy the beliefs of the other Christian churches. Some believe that they are not a true Christian church, that they hide their beliefs from investigators of their religion, and they keep important details of their religion secret until after you have become a member. It is also said that they are not Christian because they use The Book of Mormon instead of the Bible. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Cults that are formed today do not believe in Jesus Christ as the savior. Christian churches are the only ones that claim Jesus to be the savior. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was founded around 1850. If a cult had any intentions to undermine the beliefs of other religions, lead people to kill themselves or others, and turn people away from Christianity, they would not wait more than 150 years to do so. Â Â Â Â Â The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does not hide its beliefs. They have no problem explaining their beliefs and scriptures to other people. They send Missionaries around the world to teach people about the correct views of the church. The Temple ordinances are hidden because they are sacred and meant to be for only special instances. All of the members must follow the laws of the church to be found worthy to participate. Mormons do not know anything about them until they attend for the first time. Â Â Â Â Â The Book of Mormon is not a replacement Bible to the Mormons. It goes along with the Bible and consistently concedes many things found in the Bible. In the Bible a latter day prophet is discussed and it is said that he will restore the true and correct church. Joseph Smith, who translated ancient scrolls with a third grade education, was this latter day prophet. He received inspiration from God that the true church Jesus created was no longer on Earth. After translating the scrolls, he began teaching and finding new members to help him restore the true church to the Earth.
Monday, November 11, 2019
History of Pinkerton Detectives Essay
Allan Pinkerton was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on August 25, 1819. He was born into poverty to a police man who could no longer work due to injuries he had sustained from the job. To support his family Allan worked as a cooper or barrel maker in his native land. Allan ran afoul of local authorities over the membership in a chartist movement. This was a political movement that was dedicated to universal suffrage and better working conditions for the poor. A price was laid on his head and Allan and his young bride Joan fled for their lives. This landed them in the United States and settled near Chicago in 1842. He was a very hard working man who had realized working for himself would be the best thing for him and his family. After some time he move to Dundee a town he realized it was in need of cooper. There he quickly gained control of the market due to his good quality of barrels and low prices. The desire he had to expand his business is what led him to the path of being a detective. Allan Pinkerton realized that good quality raw materials for his barrel were easily obtained on Small Island close to town. Through a business mind he decided instead of paying others to provide him with the materials he should instead travel to the place to get the materials. Pinkerton was an abolitionist and soon his shop acted as a station for escaping slaves to freedom to the north through the Underground Railroad (John, 2005). When Pinkerton got to the island, there were signs of habitation. Having in mind that there were some counterfeiters in the area, he concluded that could be their hiding place. He teamed up with the local sheriff to venture out the camp and this led to the arrest of the band. His superiority began in detective and the local townspeople turned to him to help them in arresting the ringleader of the band. The natural abilities in Allan Pinkerton eventually allowed him to track and bring down the counterfeiters to justice. One day while Pinkerton was gathering wood he discovered a gang that was making coins in the area. Allan assisted in arresting these men. This discovery and arrest of the counterfeiters led to his appointment as a country sheriff in 1846. In 1850 Allan was appointed as the first city detective in Chicago police force and in the same year he established a private detective agency. In 1850 by Pinkerton Allan along with Chicago attorney general Edward Rucker founded the north western police agency. In 1843, Allan’s brother Robert had formed his own business called Pinkerton & company which was originally established as railroad contractors, but along the line he began to work as a railroad detective. This business was growing very rapidly that he hired several men as detectives and guards. When Allan and Rucker’s business dissolved a year after its formation; Allan joined his brother in the already established company and the name changed to Pinkerton National Detective Agency (John, 2005). The Pinkerton detective agency It is believed to be founded by Allan Pinkerton in the 1850s. He selected a logo of an open eye with the tagline â€Å"we never sleep†. This is what led the Pinkerton men and later to private eyes. Pinkerton provided a wide range of private detective services and specialized in the capture of train robbers and counterfeiters. Their clients included banks, railroads, and government and they provided stable business for the firm. They were hired by railroad companies to investigate crimes against them and the activities of labor movements. Pinkerton was a solution to the growing labor unrest. Many businesses wanted muscular enforcers available at the factories and mines to watch their employees closely (Geringer, 2008). In 1861, when he was investigating a railway case he discovered an assassination plot against Abraham Lincoln. The conspirators were intended to kill Lincoln during a stop at Baltimore on the way to his inauguration. Pinkerton warned Lincoln of the threat and he passed through that city at night secretly. Lincoln soon hired Pinkerton to organize a secret service to gather military information during the civil war in the southern states. During this time he hired escaped slaves as spies to the confederates. During the time of the civil war Pinkerton headed a group that was aiding the government with information about their rivals. He also at times acted as Lincoln’s body guard. During the years between 1867 and 1875 he was the head of American secret service during the civil war and he led to the pursuit for frank and Jessie James American outlaws in the state of Missouri (John, 2005). After the civil war Pinkerton went back to the management of his detective agency. When Robert Pinkerton died in 1868 Allan Pinkerton took over the whole management of the detective agency. However a year later he suffered a paralyzing stroke which nearly killed him. He recovered later and went on with the management of the Pinkerton detective agency. Between the year 1873 and 1876, one of his agents managed to obtain the secured evidences that had led to the breaking up of the coal miners’ organization in Pennsylvania who were thought to engage in terrorism. This led to the execution of twenty people members by the court. In 1877 they went on strikes that led to much criticism of the Pinkerton detective agency harsh policies towards the labor unions. The criticism was done in circles though Pinkerton was assertive that he was helping workers by opposing the labor unions. Allan Pinkerton died in 1884, and the agency was taken over by his sons William and Robert who continued the agency’s movement from detective work to security and protection. Improved police departments and other private agencies at this time had begun to impinge on Pinkerton’s business. Allan’s sons continued with the company’s expansion, investigations of mafia activities, unions, robberies and insurance claims. They also provided protection to various public events. During the labor unrests he hired guards to keep strikers and their unionists away from the factories. Most noted was the 1892 homestead strike where the Pinkerton agents ended up killing several people. The Pinkerton Detective agency often supplied men to break strikes. During this year 1892, the amalgamated iron and steel workers union invited its members at a homestead plant owned by Andrew and Henry. The strikers were waiting for them and they had a battle all the day long which resulted to the death of seven Pinkerton’s agents and nine workers. This gave the agency a bad publicity (Gale, 2000). Allan Pinkerton II gained control of the company in 1923. He continued with the expansion of the business due to increasing bank robberies which was facilitated by automobile. In 1930 he also died and Robert Pinkerton II took control of the agency. In 1937 when the Wagner Act by the congress was passed it made the investigation of the labor activities illegal. To make up for this loss of the business the Pinkerton Agency focused more on investigation of gambling, especially the horse racing circuit. The 1940s through to 1960s was a time for change for the Pinkerton National detective agency. Their primary service changed to guarding of property. This can be linked partly to the services they offered during the World War II; guarding the war supply plants. In 1965 it was renamed Pinkerton’s incorporated to reflect this shift away from investigation services. In 1967 Edward J. Bednarz became the first non- family member to be a president of the agency. In 1983 Americans Brands purchased the Pinkerton for $162 million. The chairman who took over Robert McGuire had the objective to improve the agency service and increases revenue. His efforts resulted to $11 million loss in sales by 1987. This loss could be partly blamed on the competition by other over 1000 security agencies that had sprung up over the years (Gale, 2000). Thomas Wathen purchased the company from the American Brands in 1988 for $95 million. His goal was to revitalize this firm having revitalized the California Plant Protection to gain its former position of a multi purpose investigation firm. He actively sought the company’s growth through acquisitions. After duration of two years, Pinkerton’s inc. had combined revenue of $605 million. Wathen also expanded the agency reach to other countries including Mexico, Canada and Portugal. In 1991, Pinkerton acquired Business Risk International, a respected investigation, a respected investigation, consulting and business agency. This move brought Pinkerton back into business as a full service security provider. The firm continued to expand throughout the late 1990s, and solidified its position as the world’s biggest security solutions firm (Gale, 2000). In conclusion the Pinkerton detective agency may not have been founded to run this far but the ambitions of the people who ran the company contributed to this sustainability of the company. The good work offered by the company was also needed by many and the target groups who received the services were also well chosen. The natural abilities of Pinkerton were also a great and important aspect of his mission. The choosy way of recruiting the agents contributed a great deal to the success of the company. All these reasons combined with the excellent services they offered made them more successful. Pinkerton was a great man in searching for up coming opportunity which helped him in expanding his businesses and also gain superiority. References Gale Group, (2000): Pinkerton National Detective Agency. Retrieved on 16th Jan, 2009 from: http://www. accessmylibrary. com/coms2/summary_0193-13350_ITM Geringer J. , (2008): Allan Pinkerton and His Detective Agency: We Never Sleep. Retrieved on 16th Jan, 2009 from: http://www. trutv. com/library/crime/gangsters_outlaws/cops_others/pinkerton/1. html John L. Hoh, Jr. (2005): Allan Pinkerton and his Secret Role in the Underground Railroad. Retrieved on 16th Jan, 2009 from: http://www. suite101. com/article. cfm/the_underground_railroad/114256
Saturday, November 9, 2019
National Initiatives Essay
Many national initiatives have been developed over the years as society becomes more progressive and tolerant, the results of these legislative regulation at every level from international law all the way down to individual practice policy have an effect on anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care systems Conventions and fundamental and regulation European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 Article 14 in this convention concerns discrimination and prohibits discrimination based on many different factors such as Race, Sex, Age etc. It also can extend to protect against discrimination of different sexual orientation and legal rights of people under national law. In terms of Health and social care and anti-discriminatory practice this Article is very important as it sets the basis for a non-discriminatory Health a Social care System. This article states in essence that by and large everyone has the right to be treated without being discriminated against for any illogical reason such as a person not being treated because they mentally Ill. It should mean also that more health professionals cannot be hired based on discrimination from the employer against other applicants. E.G a dental practice picks a Caucasian applicant over an Asian Applicant based purely on their own prejudice against Asian people. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 This act dictates that men and women are protected by law from being discriminated against on the bases of their sex or marital status. This act gives men and women the rights to the same level of treatment by health professionals and to attain the same positions as one another. This makes a more diverse workforce and in health & social care which is a diverse environment, this is a good thing. Codes of Practice and Charters Codes of practice are enforced by individual practices and Healthcare Centres, These are all similar in most respects but usually are specified to the practice itself. For example a Dentist and a Hospital for the mentally infirm will have different codes of practice due to the complete difference in patient, treatment and the overall healthcare plan. But this show’s just some of the benefits and uses of practice codes in healthcare as it allows room for maximum patient care. These codes of practice however generally address what is considered to be discrimination in the practice and what sanctions follow if any of these codes are broken. This helps to ensure that all employees are aware what discriminatory practice is and this allows no excuse when discriminatory practice is carried out by and employee. Organisational Policies and procedures Organisational policies and procedures affect various things in health & social care including positive promotion of individual rights, advocacy, staff development and training, complaints procedures, confidentiality. Promoting individual rights Individual rights cover a large range of rights and good organisational policies cover the protection of these against discrimination. People’s individual rights in the health and social system must be protected against any infringement on them e.g. their personal beliefs. Advocacy An advocate is someone who stand’s in the place of and speaks for someone who is not able to represent themselves, e.g. an advocate for a mental patient or a child. This person is responsible for said person and should only act in their best interests. Advocates promote anti discriminatory practice by giving a voice to those without one, stopping discrimination based on lack of social ability. Staff development and training It is essential that staff are trained properly in anti-discriminatory practice, this allows them to develop as professional’s with a duty to uphold the rights of individuals and to work against discrimination where seen. Complaints procedures and confidentiality Complaints procedures must be followed up quickly and efficiently as any possible discrimination must be investigated and also that complaints processed properly can make for improvements in the delivery of healthcare. Patient’s confidentiality must be kept at all times as any illness is private to whomever has it. National initiatives are in place for a reason, practices are still working every day to promote anti-discriminatory practice, the idea to produce an equal, quality and efficient healthcare system that works for everyone is still not a complete reality but with more initiatives and good practice it could be.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
57 choix cest lenfer! †Translation Essay
57 choix cest lenfer! – Translation Essay Free Online Research Papers 57 choix c’est l’enfer! Translation Essay Un choix infini à ©tait supposà © promouvoir le progrà ¨s, mais le fait est que cela nous rend davantage malheureux. Quelquefois, il est simplement difficile de choisir. Vous à ªtes dans un restaurant et le serveur est prà ªt prendre la commande. Alors que vous hà ©sitez, il commence progressivement scruter le plafond, puis regarde ses ongles pour enfin observer votre partenaire avec qui, il mà ¨ne une conversation du regard. Chaque plat du menu devient flou mesure que vous le regardez dans une panique grandissante. Enfin, vous choisissez dà ©sespà ©rà ©ment quelque chose qui s’avà ¨rera à ªtre du pied braisà © dans une sauce verte gluante. Il existe des solutions pour faire face ces hà ©sitations socialement inacceptables. Dans le nouveau livre, de Craig Brown, This is Craig Brown, il suggà ¨re de toujours prendre le plat numà ©ro sept lorsque nous sommes confrontà ©s un environnement à ©tranger et un menu à ©crit dans une langue que l’on ne comprend pas. Mais cela n’a pas de sens. Le septià ¨me plat est toujours une purà ©e de quelque chose dans une sauce au curry. Vous devriez toujours opter pour le sixià ¨me plat. C’est toujours du poulet sauf dans un restaurant và ©gà ©tarien auquel cas, le goà »t ressemblera de toute faà §on du poulet. Toutefois, la pensà ©e de Brown est intrigante car elle dà ©montre que nous avons besoin de procà ©dà ©s afin de nous protà ©ger de notre incapacità © choisir entre 57 varià ©tà ©s de choses peine diffà ©rentiables : que ce soit les chaà ®nes de tà ©là ©vision, les diffà ©rentes sortes de cafà ©, les sonneries de portable tà ©là ©chargeables et peut-à ªtre mà ªme finalement nos diffà ©rentes relations amoureuses. Cette vision est hostile la philosophie de notre gouvernement qui pense qu’un plus grand choix parmi les compagnies ferroviaires, d’à ©lectricità ©, et les diffà ©rents types d’à ©ducation nous rendra heureux. Pour ma part, il n’en est rien. Peut-à ªtre que les gens les plus heureux sont ceux qui n’ont pas beaucoup de choix : il est bien possible que Sisyphe se soit habituà © son sort de faire rouler un rocher. Promà ©thà ©e, encerclà © de rochers, aurait bien pu devenir philosophique en ayant son foie mangà © par un oiseau pour toute l’à ©ternità ©. Ils sont tous sortis de leurs habitudes quotidiennes hà ©donistes et, par consà ©quent aucun d’eux ne fut confrontà © la misà ¨re d’un choix interminable. Il est vrai que des personnes n’ayant pas ce luxe ne peuvent peut-à ªtre pas à ªtre confrontà ©s la misà ¨re. Si vous vivez, disons Madagascar, oà ¹ l’espà ©rance de vie moyenne n’excà ¨de pas 40 ans et oà ¹ ils n’ont pas de tà ©là ©vision numà ©rique ou des Starbucks, il est trà ¨s peu probable que vous soyez confrontà ©s l’anxià ©tà ©, au stress, et la paralysie continue causà ©e par le fait de prendre des dà ©cisions. La prise de dà ©cision n’à ©tait pas supposà © rendre les gens malheureux. C’à ©tait supposà © à ªtre le contrà ´le de l’autodà ©termination que nous chà ©rissons tant dans une socià ©tà © occidentale capitaliste. Cependant, ce n’est manifestement pas cela : davantage de choix augmente le sentiment d’opportunità ©s manquà ©es, ce qui conduit se reprocher le fait d’avoir manquà © des occasions. Que doit-on faire ? Un nouveau livre d’un scientifique et socialiste amà ©ricain, Barry Schwartz, intitulà © The Paradox of Choice, montre que rà ©duire le nombre de choix peut limiter l’anxià ©tà ©. Research Papers on 57 choix c’est l’enfer! - Translation EssayHip-Hop is ArtEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThree Concepts of PsychodynamicThe Hockey GameResearch Process Part OneRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalPersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy
Monday, November 4, 2019
Journalism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Journalism - Assignment Example According to U.S embassy in Bangkok â€Å"U.S. citizens are encouraged to maintain a heightened awareness when out in public; be alert for unattended packages/bags in public/crowded places and report any suspicious behavior to the nearest law enforcement personnel†(Embassy of the United States, 2012, web). However, Thailand citizens living in Bangkok have more to worry than any other persons do. The residents have taken every precaution to ensure that nothing takes them by surprise. A close interview with Thanyarat, a Bangkok resident perhaps tells the magnitude of the issue at hand â€Å"my family and I have taken the warning seriously and have done every efforts to avoid unnecessary movements. Although the government has promised to heighten security measures, I feel that it is important for us as citizens to take extreme precaution too.†Thanyarat who witnessed the Malaysia-Thailand border attack has every reason to be afraid. He claimed that his family survived miraculously from the car bomb attacks and would not want the same to happen again. Although a good number of residents are scared, some are not and have total confidence in the security measures provided by the government. Malik, a businessperson in the heart of Bangkok is has confidence in the security measures provided by the government but has changed his lifestyle. â€Å"I am scared too since I work in the primary target area. However, I have been forced to change my daily routine for safety purposes.†Thai defense minister Yuthasak Sasiprapa said that the possible targets were synagogues and the Israeli embassy. Bangkoks popular Khao San Road was also flagged as another possible target. This terror threat comes amidst the strained relationship between Iran and the U.S government over suspicious nuclear program activities. Hezbollah is claimed to be supported by Iran and Syria albeit indirectly. Thai’s deputy Prime Minister Chalerm
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Wide Definition and Scope of Public Relation Essay
The Wide Definition and Scope of Public Relation - Essay Example Ewen, S. (1996) in his book titled PR: A Social History of Spin defines public relation as â€Å"the art and science of managing communication between an organization and its key public constituents to build, manage, and sustain its positive image’. Personally, I would define public relation as a process of supervising and ensuring effective communication between an organization and its targeted audiences with a major aim of developing, administering and sustaining a good image. All the above definitions have one thing in common in that they are all talking about building good public relationships through proper communication skills. Their main aim is securing a good public image so as to earn mileage from the general public on matters relating to effective communication. They also have differences for example, Edward B. (2001) sees public relation as a function of the management that defines procedures policies so as to earn the expected acceptance and understanding from the general public, Ewen, S. (1996) sees public relation as an art and science that manages communication transpiring between a given organization and its people with the aim of directing and maintaining a good image within the organization. For Ewen, he views public relation as something that will help as in maintaining a good public image while Edward opinion is that public relation will help us in obtaining acceptance and understanding from the general public. Cutlip, S (1994) views public relation differently as a designed attempt on influencing opinion via responsible actions and a good personality to gain satisfaction in two way systems.
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