Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The Skills And Problem Solving Skills - 910 Words
Occupations After taking the O*NET Interest Profiler test on the My Next Move website, I was fitted for several jobs based on my personality and interests. After looking through the suggested jobs, I found two that would fit me best. The first job I was interested in is a buying and purchasing agent for farm products. Out of all the suggestions O*NET gave, this was one I felt not only fit my skills the most, but also my personality. The knowledge required for this position is mostly math and customer serviced based. Every job I have had has been customer service based and I am not only good at math, but I actually enjoy it. This position seems like it would be a great fit for me. The education required is a bachelor’s degree, which I don’t currently have, but I am working towards it. The skills required were social skills and problem-solving skills. Since I have been in so many customer service positions, I am great at communication. Although I am not the best problem solver, I am a quick learner and feel I would be able to pick up that skill with practice. When looking at the job outlook for the buying and purchasing agent position, the future looked grim. The national outlook was below average in most states. When looking at the map, however, there were a few states that had a bright outlook with above average opportunities. Although my state, California, had average opportunity, just above me in Oregon there was above average job opportunities. Two other states thatShow MoreRelatedCreative Problem Solving Skills1548 Words  | 7 PagesOBJECTIVE The objective of this section to discussed on the development of creative problem solving as a management competency toward achieving the organization goals. Problems are encounters by everybody, whether it is serious, urgent or growth is catalyst towards success. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Node and Place Balance and Spatial Performance Free Essays
The â€Å"node†and â€Å"place†balance and spacial public presentation. â€Å"Stations, as incorporate â€Å"nodes†of conveyance web and â€Å"places†in the metropolis can increase the possibilities for physical human interactions in and around them, which in bend feed societal and economic activities that still require them†( Bertolini,1999 ) Here can see the potency for livability of the infinites in station countries are high. For â€Å"place†have maps where it devoid with its original maps. We will write a custom essay sample on The Node and Place Balance and Spatial Performance or any similar topic only for you Order Now Their high handiness is a favourable status for the development of diversified activities, for the concentration and interaction of different people in them. On the other manus it is beef uping the activities and increases the demand for connexions. The balance between these two dimensions â€Å"node†and â€Å"place†can bring forth societal, economic and environmental benefits. In other words it can better the sustainability public presentations in station countries. â€Å"There is in these locations an tremendous potency ( albeit mostly undeveloped ) for physical, societal and economic interaction and this potency could be realized in a comparative sustainable manner, as it could let the bunch of trips and a more efficient usage of land†( Bertolini, L.2000 ) The dependance on the grade of balance between the two dimensions gives the realisation of the potency for livability or sustainability. Harmonizing to the thought of Bertolini ( 1999 ) , he explains handiness in a broader sense which can allow this possible balance between the two elements in the station countries. He highlights the human interaction, handiness of the conveyance node, how many finishs which can be easy reached with in a clip period in an country, and the handiness of the topographic point for activities, how many and how diverse are the activities that are performed in an country. Addition to that he mentions that the users who are accesses the country is besides of import. â€Å"The sweetening of handiness facilitates the existent realisation of human interaction and therefore the livability of station country. The possible dealingss between â€Å"node†and â€Å"place†contents’ strengths at station country, and their effects for likeability of these locations are depend on the node- topographic point model†( Martines, 2012, p.38 ) This theoretical account allows for the appraisal on the grade of livability of a station country, and besides the grade of sustainability. This mainly analysis and associate the conveyance and non-transport related activities at station countries, with the potency for sustainable development. â€Å"Balancing â€Å"node†and â€Å"place†dimensions of a station country is, in fact basically a spacial problem†( Pakusukcharern, 2003 in Martines, 2012, p.39 ) In add-on to that it is necessary to research the spacial dimensions in order to follow sustainable solutions for bing jobs of railroad Stationss and its’ urban surrounding. Harmonizing to Martins, ( 2012 ) the node- topographic point theoretical account does non give indicants on how to make the balance which is explained by spatially. It relates conveyance and non-transport related activities present at the station countries, but non their physical support. It is necessary to turn to node and topographic point balance in spacial footings. Node and topographic point balance does non merely depend on the entree to transport and non-transport related activities in the given specific location or the diverseness of their different users. The infinites that support these activities and let the user is besides contribute diverseness of the balance. The infinite must supply the best conditions for the development of the node and topographic point activities, through the physical human interaction, finally to better societal, economic and environmental public presentations and livability physical environment in one of the chief factor that influence the activities in and around of a topographic point. As St. martins, ( 2012 ) discussed the quality of a topographic point relates with the type of activities, which the users are willing to execute. For illustration a hapless or low quality infinite people tend to make merely the particular and necessary activities and besides a topographic point which has high quality a broad scope of optional and societal activities occurs within and around them. When there are jobs in station countries, the scope of activities facilitated by them is reasonably narrowed down to necessary activities particularly to transport related 1s. Consequently the topographic point dimension of the station country has fewer conditions than the node dimension, which affects to better development in quality infinite. So the happening of balance has a less opportunity. For quality infinites, the infinites that should hold to execute good, leting for human physical interaction. Within this model, which spaces of station countries facilitate node and topographic point balance is referred in this research as spacial public presentation. Here infinite quality can be seen as an index of good spacial public presentation. For the balance the layout and the relationships of station infinites activities ( conveyance related or non ) should reciprocally profit from each other. â€Å"The spacial discontinuities of station countries should be mitigated, as the physical integrating of the station in the metropolis is desirable, in order to make a good spatial performance†( Paksukcharern, 2003 N Martins, 2012 ) Factors influence the infinites of station countries The conceptualisation or reconceptualization of station countries is a argument that is traveling on for recent old ages. Station operators, riders, states users, communities of occupants and politicians have put forward their position on how station countries should develop. But no 1 has presented a specific model particularly associating the local context. The function of renovation of infinites in station country is less discussed even though recognized its importance. Several spacial issues were forced in the renovation undertakings in station countries. The barrier consequence of the paths, and particularly considers the environing country the station has been in the centre. This shows the reconnecting or linking the station with its environing in order to extenuate their spacial jobs. The articulation of different conveyance manners and besides the other maps, within and around the edifice was besides approached solutions in different degrees. For the successful development and the betterment of spacial public presentation of station countries the planning procedure and spacial design, both are of import. Here should hold to see chief two sides, station country renovation or development and their influence on their spacial results. This research does non forces on the factors which are bounded with the planning procedure and their influences on the design of spacial ballad out of station milieus. The research chiefly approach the internal factors of public infinites of station countries witch influence its spacial public presentations. Those are bounded with spacial design the specific sphere of architecture in station country development undertakings. In those factors architecture can influence/ control, and relevant for the part can give towards the betterment of spacial public presentation of station countries. As mentioned before, to accomplish livability it is required a good degree of spacial quality to the designed infinites. To accomplish the needed quality must understand the city’s context where it operates. The context is subjected to alter in clip and the cognition on that is indispensable in development. How to cite The Node and Place Balance and Spatial Performance, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Black Leaders Of 20th Century Essay Example For Students
Black Leaders Of 20th Century Essay In the time after the fall of radical black reconstruction of the nineteenth century, African Americans were being oppressed by rural farming, civil rights, economical advancement and sharecropping. Booker T. Washington charged the fight for economical and political accommodation with his dream of equal civil rights. Timothy Thomas Fortune was an influential black journalist that fought for the rights of African Americans through literal resistance. The Lonely Warrior, Ida B. Wells was an outspoken voice against lynching throughout America and fought against the oppression of men and woman everywhere. Booker T. Washington was one of the last great African American leaders born into slavery. Washington emphasized political means and civil rights along with economic means and self-determination. Washington was the founder of the Tuskegee Normal and the Industrial Institute in 1881, for the development of skilled trade. The Instituted was the largest self-black supported Institution in America at the time. The school taught the arts of trade, self-determination and economical independence of sharecropping. We will write a custom essay on Black Leaders Of 20th Century specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Washington gave the Atlanta Compromise Address in 1895, to disclaim the notion of white supremacy and social equality to the south. Booker T. Washington sought to influence whites, but sought out the solid programs of economical and educational progress for blacks. Washington was one that thought that speaking out against injustice was self-defeating and should be suppressed. Washington founded the National Negro Business League in 1900, helped put a stronghold on substantial black population and did little for black business. As the chief black advisor to President Roosevelt and Taft, Washington devoted much of his time to securing federal jobs and used political power to win over key political figures in the North. He aided many blacks businesses but also hindered the activities of those who spoke against him. He also helped appoint the first black assistant US Attorney General. Many of Washingtons ideas and concepts are still being used today in black communities. Booker T. Washington was in control of many black newspapers that agreed with his views and opinions. Many black leaders such as W. E. B Du Bois and William Monroe Trotter did not see eye to eye with Washington and he was believed to be getting in the way of other black group movements. At this time Washington felt that his leadership in the black community depended on the help of white leaders and his wittiness to use them for what he needed. He secretly tried to overturn the grandfather clause, and (the fact that he could), kept his popularity with the whites. To the end of his life, many blacks started to question his loyalty to the black communities and whites really did not remember him, and only thought of him as a black educator. Thought of as the great successor to Frederick Douglass, Timothy Thomas Fortune was an influential black journalist. Fortune was born in Marianna, Florida, in 1856 into slavery, the same year as Booker T. Washington. Timothy was exposed to the harsh realities of white racism and white supremacy. As the South grew to be more than Fortune could take due to racism, he decided to leave and move to New York. He was a self-taught man and attended school for only three months. Fortune spent most of his free time studying and reading books literature, history, law and government. This helped him design his own literary and oratory style of writing. As a journalist and the editor of the New York Age, Globe, the New York Freemen, and the founder of the African American Council, Fortune was known as the spokesman and the defender of civil rights of African Americans in the South as well as the North. Fortune was a militant writer and editor, who was named the Agitator. He was known for his strong personality, his straight forwardness and harsh opinions. Fortune was one who believed in the fight for black rights and he fought to gain equality for blacks. .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .postImageUrl , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:hover , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:visited , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:active { border:0!important; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:active , .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6ad390786ba52ef56d8b7b4bb76a78fa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Transcontinental Railroad and Westward Expansi EssayIn the fight against injustice, Fortune urged women to support of the National African American League to help gain political power and equality. Fortune even hired Ida B. Wells Barnett as an anti-lynching writer for the Globe. At this time, fortune was considered a radicalist and Washington was considered as being safe and reasonable. In 1907, Fortune sold his newspaper The Age and then his years of being a great leader came to an end. On June 2, 1928 in Philadelphia at his home he passed away. Ida B. WellsBarnett was said to be the Joan of Arc of the 1920s. As the anti-lynching spokeswomen for African American, Wells showed courage and independence in her attack on lynching {upon what ever she seemed fit to attack. } She was born into slavery during the Civil War in 1862. She witnessed the loss of both parents to yellow fever and also saw the brutal lynching of three of her close friends in Memphis. These tragic events inspired Wells to launch a crusade against lynching at the age of thirty years old. Wells spoke out against lynching, Jim Crow Laws and segregation. She published two pieces, Free Speech and statistics on lynching and its myths, while were a big hit. Wells also started anti-lynching groups outside of the US, such as Great Britain. Wells was known as a woman that fought against Jim Crow laws and segregation. In May 1892, Wells newspaper the Free Speech was destroyed and she was told if she returned that there would be bloodshed. Wells went to New York where Timothy Thomas Fortune offered her a job at the New York Age, to be the journalist against anti-lynching. Fortune and Wells began lecture tours of Northeast America in 1892. In 1895, Wells went on another tour through the northern and western states. With lynching on the rise blacks in the South grew quite weary of lynching. A person could be lynched for violating a labor contract, shooting rabbits or would be falsely accused of a crime that he or she did not commit. Based on the Chicago Tribute Annual Summary, one out of every five lynchings was based on black accused of raping a white women. The moral monster, was an excuse to oppress African Americans by racist whites. They wanted them to fit into society as an outcast race, beyond pale human sympathy. Wells role in the NAACP was that of an activist fighting for all possible rights. Ida B. Wells kept up her fight for black equality for all African-Americans. Her fight stayed alive for some time until mutual friends such as Washington and Fortune decided to push her out of newspaper journalism for black rights and eventually out of the NAACP. All three figures that are talked about above are some of the greatest leaders in the fight for African-American rights. Booker T. Washington was a fine leader in (towards starting) the movement to push black equality, however he lacked the courage to be a true leader because he only wanted to keep whites pleased. The Agitator as Thomas T. Fortune was a great editor of black newspaper, next to Du Bois. Fortune is not all that and a bag of chips. He is a man that lived on hiding behind Washington and his ideas, was just a toy of Washington. Joan of Arc, Ida B. Wells was the anti-lynching spokeswomen and the true heart and soul behind the fight for black equality in America. She is the only true independent leader out of the above. Wells spoke her mind, which was the truth, and she never looked back even when it was her life that mattered.
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